Meet Mary

success mentoring

Before going to Catholic School I always felt a connection to something bigger than myself. I felt directed by an internal guidance that you couldn’t see or hear. My Mom called it God. At school I was taught rules and regulations that just didn’t feel right when I thought of this connection I had with God.

I was overly sensitive to the energies of the people around me and was constantly told I’d better toughen up or the world would eat me alive.

In college I went on a quest studying other religions and philosophies of life that would be considered blasphemous by the Catholic Church. In one program, Silva Mind Control, I learned about the subconscious mind and how to use it for programming. I continued to tap into my inner voice and develop my intuition.

In the ‘70’s I entered the sales profession. At that time it was the only job I thought I could do to make the same amount of money as men. This was important because I knew I was going be a single mom. But I did not want to become a sleazy salesman.

My intuition helped me to tune in and understand what my customers wanted and give it to them. That is what sales is anyway.

I used the techniques I had learned to get over my fear of cold calling and public speaking.

In the 90’s I learned how to do Reiki, a Japanese healing technique. I used it to help with my son’s sports injuries, our dog’s ailments and I could even send it energetically to help family and friends long distance. Eventually I became a Reiki Master and taught others this unique healing technique.

When I began coaching I sent healing energy to my clients to help them get over their fears and blocks to success. Then I learned about the Emotion Code and how trapped emotions were the cause of many of our blocks to moving forward in life.

Learning the Emotion Code and also the Body Code founded by Dr. Bradley Nelson has taken my coaching business to a whole new level. Tapping into Divine energy I am able to help my clients gently let go of the pain and suffering that holds them back.

It is my passion to help others release their fears and remove the blocks that keep them from living their dream life.


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