Weight Issues

The image we put out to the world affects every area of our lives. Our success depends on how we feel about ourselves.  We are bombarded by TV, movies and magazines telling us what we should look like. When we release the emotions around our weight issues we let go of extra weight as we appreciate where we are and become comfortable with our unique self.

I have had weight issues since I was 11 years old.  The name I grew up with was Mary Pat.  My sister used to sing a song, “Mary Pat is VERY FAT.”  Now I go by “Mary” for obvious reasons. But the pain weight can cause is emotionally damaging to every area of our lives.

Sometimes we have an image of ourselves in our subconscious that we need to change. If your subconscious isn’t on board with what your conscious mind wants do—it is not happening. In our sessions we can address your self-image and release what needs to go for change.

I never use the term “lose weight” because our subconscious minds are so clever they are forever looking for it when we LOSE it.

When we can let go of the emotions around our weight we can let go of the weight.

Letting Go of Extra Weight

There are many psychological reasons to carry extra weight:

  • You aren’t good at creating strong boundaries with others so your body does it for you
  • You are afraid if you become more sexually attractive you will cheat on your mate
  • You don’t think you have the time to eat right and exercise
  • People especially women friends will be jealous
  • Food is your “go to” thing to comfort yourself

Find the psychological reasons you keep the extra weight and we can release the imbalances that keep you stuck.

1 session $150.  3 sessions $300.  These sessions are done over the phone and should be scheduled a week or two apart.  We dive into and release the emotions that drive you to eat. It is a subtle healing that changes the way you feel about eating.

Conquering Cravings and Emotional Eating

Cravings are 99% emotional and when we release the trapped emotions that drive us to binge our cravings go away.

1 session $150.  3 sessions $300.  These sessions are done over the phone and should be scheduled a week or two apart.  We dive into and release the emotions that drive you to eat. It is a subtle healing that changes the way you feel about eating.

Let’s chat! You can book a FREE consultation with me by clicking here now.

Still Can’t Lose Weight?

If you’ve tried all the diets and the weight doesn’t want to go there may be a physical component. Click here to contact me for more information.

Why You Still Can’t Lose Weight
