Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

As an introvert, stepping out on this new journey of sharing all I have learned is scary. My old friends, fear and self-doubt have risen up to hinder my progress.

I know I’m on the right path. I always saw myself writing and teaching since I was a little girl. I veered off from my true calling because of the lure of money or what others thought I should do.

entrepreneur breakthrough fearSpeaking at a recent event I remembered that scared little Catholic School girl trembling as she read her story at the front of the class in her navy blue skirt, crisp white blouse and matching cardigan with the embroidered STS badge on the front. Sister Mary Whatever was yelling, Mary Pat, speak up!! Bounce your voice off the back wall!!

I’ve come a long way overcoming my fears since grade school as far as speaking and successfully making my way in the world. But it was a struggle because I was doing it the way THEY said it should be done.

We think more money, a bigger house or outside kudos will make us happy, but really it’s the other way around. Happiness actually attracts these achievements to us. When we are in the state of joy from doing what we love and were designed to do, we attract everything we want in life. We see opportunities instead of obstacles. Then there is no struggle–only other ways of looking at situations.

I am certainly teaching what I need to learn.

The experts say the happiest people are those that have faced adversity. Maybe that’s why I’m so happy. I know when you’re on the right path and have the courage to overcome your fears and doubts you develop a deep sense of self-confidence and security. That is true success. And that is true happiness.

Please share below what your fears are.


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Overcoming Fear

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